Criminal Justice

Thursday, Aug. 18, 2022
7:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m. CDT

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his is a remote assignment. The meeting will be live-streamed by CAN-TV at The video may not appear until at or a few minutes after the scheduled start time. If you do not see if right away, wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

CAN-TV will also broadcast the meeting live on Chicago cable television channel 27.

As of this writing the agenda has not yet been posted. Usually by 48 hours before the meeting’s scheduled start, it will be linked at under “Most Recent News.” Click on the link to the agenda and save it, as it sometimes goes away after the meeting’s end.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by James Klososky

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities, Deflection, Chicago Youth Council for Police Accountability, Residency

Live reporting by William Garcia

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities, Deflection, Chicago Youth Council for Police Accountability, Residency

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Today’s @Chicago_Police Board meeting is scheduled for 7:30pm. Tune in to CAN-TV (Chicago cable channel 27) or view the livestream at

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Meeting is called to order at 7:30pm.

Board President Ghian Foreman calls roll, establishing quorum.

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Foreman recognizes board member Andrea Zopp, who is attending her last meeting as a member of the board.

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Next up is a presentation by members of Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (

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@TASC_CHJ says deflection gives police another option rather than to arrest or take no action. They highlight community-based initiatives rather than specific programs that have limited range.

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Where @TASC_CHJ is already serving and how to get connected.

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Background slides, including an eCourse. @TASC_CHJ stresses that deflection is about prevention rather than responding after a crisis has already occurred.

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Paula Wolff asks if @TASC_CHJ would need Chicago Police support for deflection. Jay Charlier says, depending on the initiative (there are several options), direct police involvement is not necessary.

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Minutes from the previous meeting have been approved unanimously.

Next meeting will be held Thurs, Sept 15th at 7:30pm.

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Police disciplinary cases:

21PB2999 - Board finds Officer Ortiz guilty of not residing in Chicago and moves to discharge from the police dept.

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21PB2994 - four officers charged

1) Board finds accused officer Garcia guilty of excessive force and discharge from the police dept passes 5/2

2) Another officer found guilty of not recording incident but not guilty of other charges, suspend motion passes 5/2

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3) Another officer found not guilty of reporting incident, passes 5/2

4) Lt Daly officer found not guilty of failing to report and to reinstate to the policy dept, passes 5/2

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Doorley discusses request for review 22-14: Chief Administrator of COPA and supt did not agree. COPA recommended suspension for 90 days. Doorley finds supt overcame the burden of evidence.

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Foreman discusses request for review 22-15: Chief Administrator of COPA recommended discharge of officer. Supt recommended only 60 days suspension. Foreman finds supt did not overcome burden of evidence.

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Deputy Supt Eric Carter provides a reports. He says homicides/shootings down 17%/18% compared to same time last year.8,700 guns taken off the streets this year, over 90 taken off streets this weekend alone. Carter discusses a small group of recent CPD graduates, 1/3 women.

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Andrea Kersten, Deputy Chief Administrator of @ChicagoCOPA, provides her report. She says COPA has so far received 459 complaints this year. Highest category involved improper search or seizure. In July, COPA had 21 different community-based events.

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Public comment time. There are 16 speakers.

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1) Griffen Saul of Chicago Youth Council for Police Accountability. Updates they are heavily recruiting folks aged 16-25. About a week ago they helped organize a protest in Millennium Park against the youth curfew. Expanding mission/scope to healing youth trauma.

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2) The caller has participated before and discusses on- and offline sexual violence, doxxing, and harassment. They say one of the biggest barriers victims face is getting police to hold abusers accountable. Foreman says they will get the caller in touch with someone from CPD.

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3) The caller commends officers from the 3rd District and says they are happy to hear about increased police presence on @cta.

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4) The caller is not present.

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5) The caller is not present.

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6) The caller talks about the East 75th corridor, particularly the 606 Lounge. They say there are shootings, loud noise, loitering, and other quality of life issues. They say public nuisance issues have increased lately. There are food trucks (possibly unlicensed).

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7) The caller discusses an area off of East 79th, where there are shootings and squatters occupying abandoned buildings. Multiple addresses are listed where drugs are reportedly sold. “Serve and protect us, please.”

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8) The caller discusses fireworks occurring near 8300 block of S Dante. They hope there is not another July 4th-type disturbance as Labor Day weekend approaches.

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9) The caller is not present.

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10) A Southside resident (7600 S Greenwood) discusses some parking issues causing blind spots. The caller says today they witnessed at least two near accidents. It appears the parking issues stem from attendees of a local church.

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11) Status report on permit parking for 76th and Greenwood. There was additional signage added and security officers added to direct parking. It appears the issue is getting better but is not resolved.

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12) Caller from 4th District discusses recently attending a coffee with a commander event and a recent beat meeting. They express gratitude for the community engagement.

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13) Caller representing blocks of 7400 S Indiana, Michigan, Wabash. They are reporting mob activity and quality of life issues surrounding local clubs, including 50 Yard Line. They say police don’t come when they call and people can’t sleep.

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14) Caller discusses 75th street issues. The north and south sides of the street are different districts, and this may be skewing local crime reporting data. They are hoping to connect with other districts, including the 2nd and 5th.

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Foreman says they will put Caller 14 (Edwards) in touch with @TASC_CHJ regarding deflection.

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15) Caller also discusses issues on 75th. They want to work with local bar owners regarding issues their crowds are causing, or they will have their licenses revoked. It seems hours of operations are potentially being violated.

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16) The Police Board typically reserves this speaker for last. The caller asks why the supt is not present (Foreman says he had another commitment). The caller says he guesses this board meeting wasn’t important enough then to the supt.

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Caller 16 kept ranting for the rest of his time, mostly anti-government material and discussing officer suicide.

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One final caller actually (17): They say police is asking for community input, but they feel the community is not receiving sufficient police follow-up regarding their ideas.

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The meeting adjourns at 8:46pm.

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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

Please see for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.

Agency Information

Chicago Police Board

The Chicago Police Board is an independent civilian body that oversees various matters of the Chicago Police Department, mainly deciding disciplinary cases involving police officers or members of the department, and nominating candidates for Superintendent of Police. The nine individuals who sit on the board are appointed by the mayor.

If you’re attending a Police Board meeting in person, be prepared to go through security. You may hear graphic descriptions of violent events or loud verbal protest from members of the public.

Remote meetings may be viewed at or on CAN-TV, Chicago cable channel 27. The video recordings are later posted on Youtube and previously on CAN TV’s YouTube within a day or two.

Learn more or share your own tips about the Chicago Police Board on the Documenters message board here.

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