Live reporting by
Holland Harmon
5th Police District residents want easier access to the local CPD commander.

Thomas McMahon motions to approve the minutes form the last 5th district council meeting. Ponchita Moore seconds. Minutes are approved

Thomas McMahon begins his Nominating Committee Report @ 6:07pm. 22 of 66 district councilors have been nominated for the nominating committee

Chairman McKay reports on Nat Cole national conference held at the Fairmont Hotel back in November which focused conversation surrounding over policing and how to effectively police in our urban communities.

McMahon presents the Top 5 issues to bring to Superintendent Snelling at the next meeting.

1. Work to establish basic standards for communications. 2. Set a goal for Snelling to reduce 911 response times

3. Direct CCPSA staff to development public relations and education campaign that highlights their role in public safety. 4. Focus resources to help bring the city into compliance with the Consent Decree. 5. Implement plans for Workforce allocation study.

Public commenter clarifies what defunding the police means to her— police should not be called for mental health checks and EMT calls because that’s a waste of tax dollars when health care workers are the ones needed

She asks that the data be presented in the next meeting for the number of CARE members that have been sent out in place of police officers for mental health calls

She asks for the exact number of police officers in Chicago listed by districts, beat workers, and the average response time for 911 calls.

McMahon suggests inviting the commander and ask him to answer all of these questions. With the actual reporting number not the assigned numbers. “On an average day, how many actual breathing bodies do we have on the streets in this district?”

McMahon has final question that we change 5th district meeting times from 6 to 6:30pm after the holidays as community members have requested in the past.

A member of the public respectfully declines due to Monday night football starting at 7pm. Discussion is tabled.

McMahon acknowledges one of the main points of contention with the police is why does it take them so long to respond to calls? Officers not “pressing the button” as they have been instructed to ensure timeliness has been very concerning in this district

Ponchita Moore stresses the importance that all community members request the attendance of the Commander at the next meeting